Top 5 Reasons to Attend CentralSquare ENGAGE 2024

CentralSquare’s ENGAGE user conference delivers an experience that you don’t want to miss. Our annual conference is a place where public sector organizations can connect, learn and grow to find ways to build smarter and safer communities.

We provide an environment that’s not only intended for you to learn, but also a place where your voice can be heard.

ENGAGE is customer-focused to give you valuable information that helps you solve industry issues including operational efficiency and improved methods of providing services to your citizens.

Whether you’re a regular at our conference or new to CentralSquare, we’ve compiled a list of our top five reasons for you to attend CentralSquare’s ENGAGE.

1. In-Person Networking

In-person conferences offer another level of learning, value and connection beyond what we experience through virtual contact. Networking at CentralSquare ENGAGE gives access to industry professionals whom you normally would not come into contact with on a day-to-day basis.

It’s an opportunity for you to have discussions, ask questions and get more information on topics covered during the sessions.

Our conference puts you in the same room as individuals, from around the country, who deal with the same issues you face. Take advantage of sharing success strategies, learning about different experiences and building-in person relationships with other public sector professionals.

2. Educational Sessions

This year’s agenda is packed with sessions focusing on important topics such as industry best practices, product direction, customer panels and thought leadership topics in the public sector from subject matter experts.

The sessions are a way to stay informed about changes in the industry and updates at CentralSquare. Not only is there an opportunity to learn from experts, but you also have the chance to share your own experiences and knowledge.

Most of all, our sessions are intentionally designed based on customer and attendee feedback, ensuring you gain actionable insights to help you build your roadmap for success.

3. Connect with CentralSquare Teams

Among the many sessions and training classes offered, CentralSquare ENGAGE also features an Exhibit Hall where you can connect with product teams, customer success teams, support, renewals and invoicing team members.

This is your time to have one-on-one conversations with the teams who work directly with the products, and who work to make your experience with CentralSquare a success.

If you’re new to CentralSquare, or looking to learn more about our products, we also offer product demos, giving first-hand experience to see our solutions in action.

4. Product Training

We know that implementing new technology is not a one-and-done deal. Purchasing new systems also includes needing additional training and support from your vendor.

That’s why we are offering optional paid training classes that feature hands-on learning from our product experts. All you have to do is bring your own device and come ready to learn. Classes include introductory courses, as well as advanced courses for both our public administration and public safety and justice products.

This is the perfect opportunity to ask questions and find new ways to use your software more effectively.

5. Opportunity to Present

CentralSquare customers are achieving success and making a difference in their communities through the power of innovative technology.

Presenting at ENGAGE gives you the opportunity to share how your organization solves real-world problems in a unique way. This also creates an open forum for other attendees to learn and gain valuable insights to benefit their organization and their community.

Ready to Attend? Register Today

Attending CentralSquare ENGAGE is an investment for your organization. It’s also a time to be inspired and refueled so that you can go back to your community with the best tools for success.

So, are you ready to attend? Claim your spot by and register today!